A Homeless Man Who Is Hallucinating Knocks On A Door In Hillsboro

Most people living in the suburbs are used to peace. Hillsboro is not Beverley Hills, but the pace of life there is slower than in downtown Portland. But this family was shocked when a homeless man thought they were in danger and decided he had to try to save them.

Recorded by a ringing doorbell, the man is high on drugs but does seem to care about the people inside. At the beginning of the video, you can see him trying to kick the door down. He then repeatedly hits the door with his fist and yells for help from the cops.

The shirtless man is holding an open shoebox with two red shoes inside. He looks pretty crazy and is probably on drugs because he is upset about the house. At the end of the clip, he says, “We’ve got to call the police” and “We’ve got to save the world,” which sounds strange.


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From a judicial point of view, this is very scary, but the man in question doesn’t seem to have broken the law. He was not punished because the event was short, and he was left alone.

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In general, it might be against the law to constantly knock on someone’s door in a way that makes them feel annoyed, harassed, or scared. Depending on the situation and the reason behind the action, it could be seen as trespassing or a way to make trouble.

There may also be laws in place to protect people from being harassed, followed, or acting unruly.

But this does make me wonder what would happen if the person living there was old and didn’t have a video doorbell. They might have thought something scary was happening outside and go to their door to help. If the man was delusional, anything could have happened, and the situation would have been much worse.

If anything, this shows how bad the drug situation is in the city and how people like this should be treated in a neutral place, away from people they might hurt.

Neon Martin

Neon Martin is a talented content writer with a passion for crafting engaging, informative articles on a wide range of topics. With a keen eye for detail and a love of language, Neon has honed their writing skills over several years of experience in the field. Neon's work can be found on Focushillsboro.com, where they contribute insightful articles that explore the many facets of life in Hillsboro and the surrounding areas. Whether delving into local events, highlighting community leaders, or sharing tips on living a healthy and fulfilling life, Neon's writing always captivates and informs.

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