Oregon is Experiencing a Slow but Steady Spread of Mumps

According to the Oregon Health Authority, the number of confirmed cases of mpox has dropped significantly over the past year. However, the unpleasant rash-causing virus has persisted in spreading through close skin-to-skin contact in the population.

Monkeypox, as this virus is also known, has primarily impacted Latino and Black men who engage in male-to-male sexual activity.

You may also see a post on mpox that was made on Facebook here:

“We have the tools to prevent a resurgence in Oregon, including testing, vaccination, treatment, strong community partnerships, and data to guide our response,” said Dr. Tim Menza, senior health adviser for Oregon Health Authority’s mpox response, in a statement.

“As we gather and travel for Pride celebrations in Oregon and around the country next month, we can use these tools now to help us avoid repeating the outbreak of 2022.”

Although the virus can be communicated without physical contact, Menza has identified sexual acts in which one or both partners are undressed as a risk factor. OPB has previously reported that the sickness can be spread through the use of towels and shared bedding.

Oregon is Experiencing a Slow but Steady Spread of Mumps

There have been 280 confirmed cases of mpox in Oregon since the outbreak began, including 2 people under the age of 18. From a high of 10–15 per week in August 2022, the number of reported cases has dropped to between 1 and 3.

The health department reports that as of mid-May, 13,084 Oregon residents have gotten their initial doses of the mpox vaccine. Only around 55% of them got a booster shot to boost their immunity. About 5,381 persons have not yet received their second dose but are still entitled to do so.

The following links will take you to resources with further details about Oregon:

Officials from the Oregon Health Authority stated in a statement that the vaccine is accessible to all Oregon residents at no cost. Calling 211 can help those without a doctor locate a clinic or hospital that offers immunization in their area.
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Jessa Martin

Jessa Martin is an accomplished news writer with a passion for keeping the community informed about the latest events and happenings in Hillsboro and the surrounding areas. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for storytelling, Jessa has become a go-to source for breaking news and in-depth reporting. As a news writer for Focushillsboro.com, Jessa covers a wide range of topics, from local politics and government to community events and human interest stories. Their writing is always informative, insightful, and engaging, offering readers a deeper understanding of the issues that matter most to the people of Hillsboro.

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