Carjacking Suspects Flee in Stolen Car, Crash Down Sanchez Street Stairs

Millions of people watched a video of a car going down Sanchez Street stairs in San Francisco on Sunday. The automobile flips over an embankment, goes through a tree, and falls upside down in the footage. Then, things start to become quite bizarre.

The five occupants of the car fled the area before police arrived rather than waiting for help from emergency personnel. Currently, the San Francisco Police Department is trying to put together what took place.

The damage to the Sanchez staircase was still extremely noticeable as of Monday afternoon. Residents are prohibited from climbing the steps by barricades and caution tape. It’s impossible to help but wonder what happened just before the catastrophic accident when watching the video.

It has been a big topic of conversation among customers and employees at Cliff’s Variety in the Castro. “My employees were showing it like crazy yesterday, so yeah we’ve all seen the video,” said Cliff’s co-owner Terry Asten Bennett.

After the collision, bystanders on 19th Street hurried in to try to aid the five individuals inside the automobile. However, you watch as they exit the upside-down car one at a time, refuse assistance, and leave the area.

The tweet below verifies the news:

Woman Apologizes in Car After Carjacking

There are several instances of a woman inside the automobile apologizing. The woman said, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” One witness described “pulling out a guy all bloody and the guy had a full-face mask, she was in black, and she had red hair,” adding that the lady claimed they had “three minutes until the cops come.”

The red-haired passenger in the car apologized and pleaded, “Please, we have to go.” In less than four minutes, firefighters and police responded, but all five occupants of the car had already left. Around 7:30 on Saturday night, a carjacking at 19th and Dolores, two blocks away, was reported to the San Francisco Police Department.

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With a revolver in their hands, five suspects approached a car, told the driver to get out, and then took off with the vehicle. Asten Bennett, one of Cliff’s co-owners, is also the Castro Merchants Association president in addition to owning a business in San Francisco. She claims that members have been talking about a rise in crime in the Castro for months, and Saturday’s accident is just fueling that discussion.

“So many residents just feel like they need video to protect themselves because so much happens and is unreported and people would crash a car and take off running is its own level of insanity and responsibility,” she said.

If the car that flipped down the Sanchez Steps with the five passengers inside was the same vehicle that was the target of a carjacking at 19th and Dolores, San Francisco Police have not confirmed. The stolen car was found, according to the police report, but no one was arrested.

We’ll update you if this news changes. Visit our website Focushillsboro for the latest news on this issue.

Louis Ebert

Louis Ebert is a talented content writer with a passion for creating compelling stories and informative articles. With years of experience in writing, Louis has honed their skills in crafting engaging content that resonates with readers. As a content writer for, Louis explores the many facets of life in Hillsboro and the surrounding areas. From delving into the latest trends in local business to highlighting community events and leaders, their writing offers a unique perspective that captures the essence of the area.

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