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A Woman From Detroit Is Suing The City After Being Falsely Detained While Pregnant As A Result Of Facial Recognition Technology

A Woman From Detroit Is Suing The City After Being Falsely Detained While Pregnant As A Result Of Facial Recognition Technology

A Woman From Detroit Is Suing The City After Being Falsely Detained While Pregnant As A Result Of Facial Recognition Technology

According to court filings, a lady from Detroit is suing the city and a police detective after she was wrongfully detained due to facial recognition technology while she was eight months pregnant.

On the morning of February 16, 32-year-old Porcha Woodruff was preparing her two children for school when six police officers arrived at her door and handed her an arrest warrant claiming robbery and carjacking.

Given that Woodruff was clearly pregnant, she initially thought the officers were making fun of her. She was detained.

According to court records, “Ms. Woodruff later discovered that she was implicated as a suspect through a photo lineup shown to the victim of the robbery and carjacking, following an unreliable facial recognition match,”

The robbery victim admitted to the police that he had sex with a woman on January 29 after meeting her. They visited a BP gas station at some point during the day, where the woman “interacted with several people,” according to the lawsuit.

The victim was robbed and had her car taken away at gunpoint by a man she had previously interacted with at the BP petrol station before they moved on to another site. The victim informed the police that the petrol station received his phone back two days later.

Detective LaShauntia Oliver, who was assigned to the case, is named as a defendant in the lawsuit, which was submitted on Thursday to U.S. District Court for Eastern Michigan.

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The lawsuit claims that after learning that a woman had brought the victim’s phone back to the gas station, Oliver used face recognition software to identify the woman in the video as Woodruff.

The lawsuit claims that “Detective Oliver detailed in her report what she saw in the video footage, and there was no mention of the female suspect being pregnant.”

On February 2, a man who was driving the victim’s automobile was taken into custody, and according to court records, Oliver did not present him with a photo of Woodruff.

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Louis Ebert

Louis Ebert is a talented content writer with a passion for creating compelling stories and informative articles. With years of experience in writing, Louis has honed their skills in crafting engaging content that resonates with readers. As a content writer for, Louis explores the many facets of life in Hillsboro and the surrounding areas. From delving into the latest trends in local business to highlighting community events and leaders, their writing offers a unique perspective that captures the essence of the area.

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