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Texas Man Gets More Than 3 Years In Prison For Threatening Arizona Election Official And Kids

Texas Man Gets More Than 3 Years In Prison For Threatening Arizona Election Official And Kids

Texas Man Gets More Than 3 Years In Prison For Threatening Arizona Election Official And Kids

According to federal prosecutors, a Texas man who intimidated an election official, a county official, and their children in Maricopa County, Arizona, received a sentence of more than three years in prison on Thursday.

According to court documents, 52-year-old Frederick Francis Goltz posted the threats on the websites and media Gab.

He posted the name, address, contact information, and fax machine of a Maricopa County, Arizona, official on Nov. 21 under the alias “FreeSpeechMaster,” in accordance with his plea bargain.

Goltz scribbled, “It would be a shame if someone got to this children,” with a mistake. Someone needs to find these folks AND their children, he said in other comments. The most crucial lesson to convey is to the youngsters.

Conspiracy theories and false information regarding the 2020 presidential election were directed towards Maricopa County and election officials. Famously, auditors in a Republican-backed initiative searched for bamboo and hidden watermarks.

Goltz left a remark on a post referring to the 2020 presidential election and the ballots cast in the county, which is the most populated in Arizona.

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Goltz posted on Gab that “I’m willing to take lives” and that “their children are not off limits, either.”

According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Texas, the threats were made against a county prosecutor’s attorney and a representative of the elections department. He also advocated for “mass shootings of poll workers,” according to the prosecutor’s office.

A request for comment Friday night was not immediately answered by Goltz’s attorney.

Election workers “perform a duty sacred to the body politic,” according to U.S. Attorney Leigha Simonton, who also referred to threats against them as reprehensible.

She stated in a statement that “this particular defendant repeatedly advocated violence against not only these men, but against their children as well.” “The Justice Department won’t remain silent as criminals harm law enforcement officers or election officials.

On April 26, Goltz entered a guilty plea to one count of making threatening statements over state lines.

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Louis Ebert

Louis Ebert is a talented content writer with a passion for creating compelling stories and informative articles. With years of experience in writing, Louis has honed their skills in crafting engaging content that resonates with readers. As a content writer for, Louis explores the many facets of life in Hillsboro and the surrounding areas. From delving into the latest trends in local business to highlighting community events and leaders, their writing offers a unique perspective that captures the essence of the area.

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