Couple In Maryland Gets 40 Years Prison For Chopping Down Roommate Into Pieces

In February of 2022, Arizona police arrested a homeless couple who were camped out in the city. Their roommate, Megan Tilman, was accused of being murdered by the couple. Tilman’s family reported her missing, and days later, her body pieces washed up on the Shady side, bringing this case to light.

Christina Harnish, also known as Christina Stallings, and William Rice brutally murdered Tillman, a single mother of two, in the room they shared with her. Tilman’s relatives said they haven’t heard from her in some time. Her ex-husband said that she had been sending him strange texts and that he had found unusual content on her social media accounts. You can see their faces below:-


prosecutor at law Anne Stewart-Hill has stated that after Harnish left an abusive relationship, he began dating both Rice and Tilman at the same time. She joined the couple and Tilman’s sick mother at their new home. In the eyes of the law, Harnish and Rice stole Tilman’s mother’s money by taking advantage of her intellectual disability. Tilman allegedly funded the bus tickets for Harnish and Rice to move to Arizona, where they slept in a homeless campground for over four years, according to Assistant State’s Attorney Glen Neubauer.

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After their capture by Pima County, Arizona authorities in February 2022, they were extradited to Maryland. Leave your thoughts below on how you think this couple should be handled.

Jessa Martin

Jessa Martin is an accomplished news writer with a passion for keeping the community informed about the latest events and happenings in Hillsboro and the surrounding areas. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for storytelling, Jessa has become a go-to source for breaking news and in-depth reporting. As a news writer for, Jessa covers a wide range of topics, from local politics and government to community events and human interest stories. Their writing is always informative, insightful, and engaging, offering readers a deeper understanding of the issues that matter most to the people of Hillsboro.

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